Revolutionize Your Floral Business with Pixel True's Bespoke Design and Development Solutions

Create Engaging Digital Experiences for Your Florist Shop and Watch Your Business Blossom

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Why choose Pixel True for your
Florist Business

At Pixel True, we understand the unique needs of florist businesses and are dedicated to crafting tailor-made digital solutions that showcase your floral creations and enhance customer engagement. Our team of designers and developers work together to deliver visually stunning and user-friendly platforms, from eCommerce websites to custom mobile applications. Trust Pixel True to bring your floral business into full bloom with our innovative design and development services.

Our work with Flora Couture

What did we do for them?

Discover how we helped Flora Couture transform their businesses with eye-catching designs and seamless digital solutions. Our work demonstrates our ability to create captivating online experiences that captures the beauty of their floral arrangements and drives customer satisfaction.


Alistair Fraser
Founder at
From the kick off call, right through to the end of the project, the comms was on point and they always kept us updated. The speed at which they work is phenomenal and this is no doubt down to not only having a dedicated account manager but also the skill of the designer.

The unlimited package worked perfectly for us and was great value for money.
Tyler Scott
Founder at
My experience was nothing short of amazing! In less than 6 weeks, I was able to get 30+ high quality designs that we were able to put into production right away. The project management was great and it was awesome communicating directly with the designers throughout the process.

Overall, I’m extremely happy and consider Pixel True as an extension of our internal team. They’re worth every penny!
Joon K Lee
CEO, Inquivix
I have nothing but praise for the Pixel True team and their services. The project manager coordinates everything very well and all the designers are on the same page.

The most important part of this plan is the amazing level of skill and talent all of the designers have. I honestly think the pricing is too low for the quality of work that is provided.

What Pixel True Design Studios will do for your florist business

Floral Industry Expertise

We specialize in creating digital solutions specifically tailored to the unique needs and challenges of florist businesses.

Stunning Visual Design

Our design team captures the essence of your floral creations, crafting visually appealing platforms that showcase your work in the best light.

Seamless eCommerce Solutions

We develop user-friendly eCommerce websites and applications that simplify the shopping experience for your customers and streamline order management for your team.

Custom Mobile Applications

Our mobile app development services ensure your customers can access your florist business anytime, anywhere, on iOS and Android devices.

Benefits of working with Pixel True

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Reliability and quality of work

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High standards of customer satisfaction

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Expertise in creating designs

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What to expect when working with Pixel True

Comprehensive design consultation
Detailed project management
Clear communication
A highly collaborative process
Workflow that is tailored to your needs and at your convenience

How the Design Process Works

Research & Mood board

To provide designers with a foundation for their design work, helping them to identify key design elements and guiding their creative decisions throughout the design process.


To establish the layout, content, and functionality of the product before investing time and resources into more detailed design work. It allows designers to focus on the structure of the product and its user experience, rather than on the aesthetics.


To ensure that the final product meets the needs of its users, is functional, and is visually appealing. Prototyping can save time and resources in the long run by catching design flaws and usability issues early in the process, before they become more difficult and costly to fix.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you integrate my existing inventory management system into the eCommerce platform?

Yes, we can seamlessly integrate your existing inventory management system, streamlining your product management and order fulfillment processes.

How do you ensure the security of my customers' data and transactions?

We prioritize data security and implement industry best practices, such as SSL encryption and secure payment gateways, to protect your customers' data and transactions.

Can you design and develop a custom mobile application for my florist business?

Absolutely! We can create custom mobile applications for both iOS and Android, ensuring your customers can browse and purchase your floral arrangements on the go.

Ready to work with us?

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